After a very long and painful train ride I arrived just before dark in Krakow.  When I walked to the main town square for the first time I went, “YEA, now this is what I’m talking about”.  Warsaw was pretty much a huge dark and grey ugly city for the most part.  It was completely leaved by bombing during WWII.  Most of the buildings were that boring comunist drab architecture of the 50’s and 60’s.  Krakow on the other hand was spared the bombs of the war so all the original strrets and buildings were saved.

I had dinner on the main square outside and spent much of the next day wandering the streets.  I have had a few zapiekani.  Yumm. (It is a baguette sliced in half topped with tomato sauce, cheese, meat or what ever you want.  Kind of a long skinny pizza.  I can’t help but wonder why there is not more obesity here as a result of the Polish diet.  I think it’s because people here walk a lot, don’t drink a ton of soft drinks and eat fast food.  (Except for KFC).  There are like zero fat people.  Just an observation.  I better hold off on all this eating so much or I may become on those weight challenged.

I’m going to Auschwitz tomorrow and the Salt mines the following day.  My back is not cooperating very well sometimes which is REALLY frustrating.  My plan is to go to Prague next and return to Dallas on the 21st.