I send loving thanks to Larry and Helene, whom I consider true jewels, for they are always with me in the back of my mind and the front of my heart. Greetings and gratitude also to my yoga and trekking family, Sarah, Thomas, Sarana, Dana, Lorrie, Claudia, Scott, among many other yoga mates. Shout out and thanks also to my Dallas clan… many I met on the volleyball court and who have become dear friends over the years. Special thanks to my dear friend Chris, who is always with me- whether as sounding board, tech whiz, or webmaster behind this travelogue. Finally, deep love and thanks to my sisters and family members- folks who often care, worry, support, and, I suspect, sincerely hope I can manage to live another 40 years without killing myself while pursuing new and far flung adventures, such as Deep Dive Dubai.
Why would I start an adventure story with gratitude to family and friends? Perhaps because today, while *almost* completely convinced I was doing the right thing, a nagging voice cautioned, “Oh, shit, what’s going to happen next?!” Well, friends, travel adventure brings new challenges, that’s part of the deal, and I say, “Go ahead, jump off that cliff…. and focus on flapping your wings on the way down!” Let’s batten down the hatches and dive in.
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