From: Michelle Meyer

To: Friends and Family of Gary, Hickory Street Annex, and Wilson

It is with a heavy heart I have to share with you that Gary had to say goodbye to his beloved Wilson.

Wilson started declining about three weeks ago with a lack of appetite. The vet discovered his liver was quickly failing, and after several days without eating, then a short stay in the hospital, Gary made the heartbreaking decision to say goodbye.

I am not sure the Annex will ever be the same without the big, fluffy, white poodle roaming the parking lot or seeing him perched on the front porch keeping an eye on his kingdom. Wilson was everyone’s dog and Gary’s best friend for thirteen years.

Gary gave Wilson the best life a poodle could wish for. A vet once said “a dog doesn’t care how long he lives, just how well he lives.” Wilson got both a long life and was loved by many.

Gary has decided to mourn his loss in Asia (a trip he had planned before Wilson got sick and was about to cancel). This trip will be emotional but good for him. I wasn’t allowed to send this out till he had left for the airport today. You would trigger more tears, from his already swollen eyes, if he saw you crying for Wilson! Perhaps after his return Gary will be feeling better and we may reflect on the good times we all had with Wilson.


  1. Chris

    Oh my gosh, Gar, we are very, very sorry. This is the hardest thing. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day soon I hope you wake up feeling the rush of joy and gratitude for the privilege of having a love like Wilson in your life. The very best parts of his companionship are with you always. Justin and I send huge hugs. I know your mind may be distracted as your body processes a loss like this- please take extra care, even in little things, such as walking and moving around. I’m not kidding, take good care of yourself. Love from Chris

  2. Chris

    I also wanted to share a few words written by our very dear friend after the death of our dog Zippy…

    From Richard:

    “The trouble with death is our belief that our dearest friends have been separated from us, that we can’t speak or share love with them, and they couldn’t hear, even if we tried.

    Much of our experience here on Earth is founded in lies!  Zippy is with you this instant, wishing you could see this with your eyes, and knowing you can, with your heart.  Love is an indestructible element of life. Death is some fantasy that our eyes can be trained to believe.

    Zippy has turned now from your dear Dog into your own dear Teacher. Being unchanged by the belief of death is one of the greatest lessons you (and we) will ever learn.  

    My bet is that we shall learn our lessons.  Thank you, Zippy!”

    And thank you, Wilson!


  3. Adam

    Hi Gary. I heard the sad news about Wilson – several days ago. I have been trying to come up with some words of wisdom that might ease a little of the pain. But i cannot think of anything that will. It just sucks. Just know that we are thinking of you. And Wilson.


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